"Eisrosen I-X" 2018, Mischtechniken auf Leinwand © Christina Mitterhuber

Eisrosen I , 2018, 80 cm × 60 cm, oil, glitter on canvas, Copyright Christina Mitterhuber
Eisrosen I , 2018, 80 cm × 60 cm, oil, glitter on canvas, Copyright Christina Mitterhuber
"Eisrosen I " is part of my series "Eisrosen, 2018" which consists of 10 oil paintings with glitter on canvas. It is painted like an opposite to my series "WE in RED".
"Eisrosen - Ice Roses " represents all cold feelings, like winter but also with an ironic passion. The two series can actually be seen as a connection. One is not complete without the other. Which then again symbolizes the feelings of the human heart: cold and hot in a special way. Both feelings belong into life´s heart. Christina Mitterhuber, Vienna in January 2021

"Eisrosen an der Fensterscheibe 2018" © Christina Mitterhuber

Premiere Soirée                                                   Erster Abend

Et de grand arbres indiscrets                                Ein indiskreter hoher Laubbaum da hinwarf 

Aux vitres jtaient leur feuillé                                  an die Fensterscheibe sein hämisch Laub

Malinement, tout près, tous près.                        ganz nah, ganz nah.


Arthur Rimbaud "Erster Abend", (1854- 1891)